Hypothetical 2772 remake

Moderators: strobe_z, putrocca

Hypothetical 2772 remake

Postby Saruta » Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:12 am

What if - just what if - there was a remake of Hi No Tori 2772? What should it be like? Let's just bounce ideas around.

What I think:

- Olga voiced by a vocaloid. They could even make an Olga vocaloid character and cast her "as herself"; in that case, the name being Russian, I demand that she be the first vocaloid finally supporting Russian officially :) Seriously, it should support several major languages, to be used for dubs.

- Other, less capable robots voiced by common speech synthesis software - it sounds very in-character for them.

- Use the same musical themes as the original, but expand the dynamic; either go electronic, or, more likely, mixed orchestra/electronic

- Keep the original plot intact! (Much as I would have liked Olga to stay herself and in her own original body, this is not happening. Canon must be respected). But fix some inconsistencies, like those alleged spaceships in camp hangars that Black Jack never thought of opening before Godo asked.

- Perhaps make it a miniseries, with some 12 episodes of 25 minutes each? That would give more space for scenery, battles , and perhaps some background - for example a hint on how Rock, being of Godo's age, is already a major manager.

Anything to add?

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