Tezuka In English
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Don Dracula Cast


Chocola is mostly a normal, everyday bright young middle-school student who just wants to fit in.  Unfortunately as a vampire and the daughter of the famous vampire in history, Count Dracula, that's a lot easier said than done.


Gratin is one of Tezuka's Star crooks who seems more to have simply fallen in with a rough crowd due to his odd appearance. He was likely looking for acceptance amongst his peer group - specifically Kao Sekken and Afill who often appear alongside him. He acts tough to hide his own insecurities and is often cast in the role of a thug, a henchman, or some other sort of servant.

Fooler, Dr.

Dr. Fooler is another of Tezuka's mad scientists. Childish, both in his appearance and in his behavior, he is nosy and pushy and often worms his way into business he should not be part of, or pushes forward ill-conceived scientific projects against the better judgment of wiser scientists.