Lichking. Luckily i caught him before he managed to post more than one "I hate CFJ" thread. I banned him. muahahaha
EDIT: y'all know Metropolisforever? I just caught him on my forum. I deleted him. Muahahaha.... I love being an admin. I also saved his IP and email into a Word Document, so i could quickly throw him out the window again if he attempts to re-register. If you all go to my site, you won't see a trace of him. I deleted him and deleted all his posts along with it.
The reason i did NOT save his IP/email into the "banned" log was if the site's server dies, all information would be lost.

if you spot anyone suspicious, tell me and I will deal with it, or if I'm not there, PM me the IP/email of any rouge members and i will throw them away ASAP. or you can do that.
people to watch out for:
***Edit: this list of names has been removed by the moderators - posting negative comments about other people is inappropriate****

P.S. @cmoon/Huscheli: if you sign up under the 'names to watch out for' list just to bugger us off, you will get a silly avatar as punishment. And a namechange. ROFL
excuse me if i am over-doing it. I just dont want any people with a history of being banned from other sites on MY forum.