by strobe_z » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:17 am
After a quick scan through the releases to day, it looks like previously unreleased material is as follows:
Three-Eyed One
vol. 1 - 文福登場
vol. 3 - 給食
vol. 4 - 猪鹿中学
vol. 5 - 舌をだすな!
vol. 6 - メダルの謎
Black Jack vol. 8 - something?
Black Jack vol. 9 - 信号
Black Jack vol. 10 - 落下物
Chaos vol. 2 - あとがきにかえて
Not sure what that means though, they haven't release information on the last phase of releases, so I don't know if there's any other full volumes or unreleased material coming. Really, besides some Black Jack, Three-Eyed One, and apparently Midnight stories, the only volumes is Bambi and Pinocchio. I was really hoping that Cyrano the Hero was going to be released as well. Guess fingers crossed.

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