When going to Anime Boston '08, I noticed a pattern in some cosplayers. Some dressed up as a character, and also carried plushes of the character that always follows them around in the series. For example, I saw cosplayers of Light from Death Note carrying Ryuk plushes, and cosplayers of Axel from Kingdom Hearts carrying Roxas plushes. So this gave me an idea. I want to dress as Dr. Ochanomizu and carry an Astro Boy plush. I've already got the plush, I just need the costume
This is the look I plan on doing. Partially because it's his classic Manga look, (But also because it would be easier than his 2003 look :p ) All I need is a trip to the Salvation army for a white coat, brown pants, and a green tie. (I've already got a blue office shirt and a pair of black business shoes. What i'm really concerned about is the hair. What does everyone think of this idea? Any ideas? on how to do it?