Further forum rules (if i may add some)

Moderators: strobe_z, putrocca

Further forum rules (if i may add some)

Postby Potato » Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:38 am

Ok here's the thing. You cheese pies are missing some rules.

I know there is a rule regarding personal attacks and one regarding the fact that attacking others isn't tolerated in any way but If i may, (stupid mouse -_- refuses to move) I shall add some more rules.

Please, think before you act.

Before you jump at people (yes Amrith I'm looking at you) look at posting history and member history before you assume one member is another.


This forum isn't going to beat you up for god's sake! Relax a little. Tension is not good to build up. if you've got something to say, say it in my Scream And Yell thread (but cut the cussing).

And- a few special rules for moderators:

click the preview button.

Before you post something regarding something a member did (like if i told Jeffbert that cmoon said we are all crazy cheesecakes (which we are)), look at your post. before you yell at them, look at your post from the point of view of the person you are talking to.

If a member wants to help out with something, don't ignore them.

Either let them help out, or tell them otherwise.

And finally:

The edit button needs a day off. (directed at cmoon)

You silly shmucks edit my posts too much. give it a rest! :lol: hehehe...

and a special rule for EVERYONE:

Tell me if someone is upsetting you.

If they made you cry, i will make them cry.
Katara: Sokka, You're a genius!
Aang: Did the definition of genius change in the last 100 years?

-Avatar: The last Airbender

All Tezuka all the time...
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