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Tezuka In English Discussion Forums • View topic - The many questions of Metroplisforever

The many questions of Metroplisforever

Moderators: strobe_z, putrocca

The many questions of Metroplisforever

Postby Metropolisforever » Mon Jan 01, 2007 12:14 am

1. Can regular users become administrators? What exactly do you have to do, to be one? Do you have to just be helpful, and follow the rules?

2. There should be something saying "You have [however many] new messages".

3. There should be a "Report Abuse" button.

4. Can't we have some sort of "friends list" on this site?

5. Can users delete their own posts?

6. What happens when your inbox is full?

mod: moved and consolidated for the sanity of us all.

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Postby cmoon » Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:07 am

1. Following the rules would be a good start 8)

2. I don't know how to code the board, I'm sure you can just look at your messages.

3. That's what cmoon and strobe_z are for.

4. No! :twisted:

5. Yes, that's what the button called 'delete' is for :roll:

6. The universe collapses. All time ceases. Matter and Anti-matter become one and the same. Republicans and Democrats make up, get married, have kids, etc. (or you could just delete those extra messages.)
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Postby Metropolisforever » Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:09 am

I see no delete button on the posts that are starters to an entire thread.

Seriously, what happens when your inbox is full?

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Postby cmoon » Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:11 am

You can't delete posts once they are imbeded in a thread, you can only edit them and delete their content.

When the inbox is full you can't get new messages (doh!)
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Postby strobe_z » Mon Jan 01, 2007 6:18 pm

1. Regular members may become Mods, and yes, as cmoon said... being helpful and following the rules is a good start, because Mods are expected to enforce the rules.

2. There is... all you have to do is mouseover the messages button and it will tell you if you have any new messages.

3. again, as cmoon said... that's what the mods/admins are here for

4. What exactly do you mean a "friends list"?

5. already answered

6. already answered, but also a comment... PM inbox's are not designed to work as an email like Hotmail or Gmail. Messages take up server space that should be going towards posts and threads in the public forum... so please delete your old PM (or transfer them to your email account if you need to keep any info)

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Postby David » Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:47 am

To be honest, Metropolisforever, many of your questions have an interesting aspect to me.

The problem is that you have so many questions that it is squeezing out
the participation of other people. I am not an administartor, just a Tezuka fan. I am not in the position of adding rules, and would not want to if I could, but I would like to ask you for a courtesy.

When you post a question could you add more content to it?
If you have a question, spend time developing it. Add information that you
have the first time you post. Think of your question as both to those who are experts
and those who aren't. If the first reply you get is, "what are you talking about",
then that should be a hint.

I think one new thread a day is plenty. We have time. No hurry.
One new thread a day means people will take the time to read it,
and be interested in responding.
3 or 4 or 5 threads a day means that people will stop reading
or become antagonized, or both.

Posting statements, outrageous or otherwise, made by other people,
is borderline inappropriate. If you know people who have something
meaningful for our group, again - think it out, research it, develop
your own point of view on it. - and then post your take on it.

I realize that different forums have different ways of doing things,.
please stay with us but consider my request for some
consideration and courtesy.



Postby Metropolisforever » Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:18 pm


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Postby Metropolisforever » Thu Jan 11, 2007 8:33 pm

Is there a way that users can use HTML, or at least embed videos into posts?

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Postby Metropolisforever » Thu Feb 01, 2007 3:29 pm

My inbox is now 100% full.

I will copy and paste all of my PMs, and post them.

If anyone could post the PMs I sent to them, that would be greatly appreciated. I don't feel like typing them out.

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Postby strobe_z » Thu Feb 01, 2007 7:37 pm

ok... I'll bite....

uhm... why?

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Postby Metropolisforever » Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:48 pm


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Postby strobe_z » Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:20 pm


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Postby putrocca » Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:30 pm

- Ada (site founder - TezukaInEnglish.com)

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Postby Karmi-Sempai » Sun May 27, 2007 12:01 pm

Well, this seems to be the right place.

I'm just wondering. I e-mailed one of the moderators here (I forgot who it was) to tell him/her that I wanted to contribute.

How do I exactly do that now? I got the signal to go ahead but how?
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Postby strobe_z » Sat Jun 02, 2007 7:12 am

I think at the moment only I and Ada are active on this board. cmoon has disappeared. Ada's stilly only on every so often while she's in Europ, but If you have any questions feel free to post here (or PM me) and we can discuss it.

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