Pick's (The Devil Garon) forehead mark question

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Pick's (The Devil Garon) forehead mark question

Postby Gamwhiz » Wed Apr 12, 2017 2:45 am

Heya mates!

I've been doing my damndest to research characters for a look at the game "Astro Boy: Omega Factor" I've been working on on and off over the last few years, but I've hit a bit of a wall on one particular note I'd like to knock out preemptively.

That being: does anyone happen to know the significance of Pick's (http://tezukainenglish.com/wp/?page_id=6933) "W" mark on his forehead? The page on him and "The Devil Garon" are pretty empty, and though I've gotten a good taste of Garon from the Astro Boy manga and anime featuring him, as well as from his appearance in "Ambassador Magma" and the anime for "The Three-Eyed One", I've been completely unable to get more out of Pick than the fact that he's the moral core of Garon. It doesn't really help that Garon's own series doesn't appear to be translated; I've gotten the first two volumes (ending with Garon and Pick being sucked into a vortex) in Japanese, but that only helps with reference pictures, not so much with explaining what that damn "W" is meant to signify.

If anyone knows and cares to share, thanks a ton! If not, no biggie.

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