A very kind lady (my first babysitter) painted an image of Astroboy on a pillowcase as a present. The fabric finaly disintigrated enough to convince me to throw it away in the early/mid 1980s. Lately, we have been discussing how special this gift was to me. The other day she stopped me on the streat (I now live in my childhood home) and asked me if I remember the name of the cartoon she drew.

The pose was like the one shown on the postage stamp on the RH side of the forum header, but my memory is of it as less curved (more straight, streaking into space as you would expect from a childhood memory). But, the more I stare at that image, the more I suspect it must have been a common image that she drew her insperation from.
Where can I find beter examples of a flying Astroboy to show her?
Also, if you could help me define the year of this memory, I would appreciate it. I live in the Detroit, MI USA television area. I remember Kimba and Astroboy were on such that one followed the other. It may have been that there was another half hour show between there air times. Astroboy was dropped after a short time, but Kimba continued to air for some time. The time frame would have been somewhere arround 1968 and 1972.
Any help with images of Astroboy flying and/or time frame Astroboy aired in Detroit Mi is appreciated.