by putrocca » Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:16 pm
Flipping only increases production costs slightly, in the case of text and other non-symmetrical objects which have to be redrawn, but the actual reason for the price drop from $15 to $10 standard for a manga volume was an increase in the market and a decrease in paper quality, which between them lowered the unit cost per book, rather than the choice not to flip - there are some companies still putting out flipped manga for $10 a volume just like the rest.
I have a slight preference for unflipped manga, only because it doesn't require quite as much alteration to be done to the text. 19 out of 20 panels it doesn't matter which side is which, but sometimes you have an image of something like a human heart, or a book or sign with written words, or which side of the road you're driving on, and then they have to not flip that image while flipping the surrounding ones, which gets odd. The classic example of this problem is Blade of the Immortal, which they published flipped, but the protagonist has a Manji symbol on his back, and if you flip a Manji it becomes a swastika, so they insisted on not flipping any panel where the Manji was visible. This results in very unfortunately problems as consecutive panels are reversed relative to each other, so suddenly someone who had been stabbed in the right arm before has been stabbed in the left, etc. To avoid these sorts of problems it's sometiems better not to flip, but if a manga doesn't have many of these problems then I really don't care.
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