Might as well start spamming this board with new releases on my record label (it's a hobby!)
Aan meets Eyes Like Saucers - Kristallivirta $10
Historic meeting between former Urdog keyboardist (Jeff K.) and Aan
(Uton + Kulkija). West meets North and mostly produces music that is
either wildly experimental or traditionally psychedelic in that Angus
MacLise sort of way. Challenging and truly bizarre!
Armpit - Tron CD $10
Consists of both the original Tron album and the Anaru EP. Something
of a free noise classic special super guest Pumice and others.
Reminds me of both Tusk and Trapdoor f***ing exit but lacking both
song structure and vocals. Huge slabs of guitar noise; ranging from
'composed' loops to some pretty out-of-control nonsense. This one
definitely takes me back to why I started listening to NZ music in the
first place.
Valerio Cosi - Conference of the Aquarians CD $10
Extremely satisfying album from the ever prolific Verlerio Cosi.
There are influences of prog (Fred Frith, Henry Cow, Soft Machine)
along with European jazz to be found here, yet all under the expert
control of Mr. Cosi who I think is already established himself as one
of the most exciting new voices working in between genres.
Fabio Orsi - Audio for Lovers 2xCD $14
Second Orsi release for LVD; but Wildflowers only hints at the expanse
present in this giant album. This is the Ambient potential hinted at
by Eno, yet the whole thing sounds very modern. This one is really
beautiful, yet I guess it will still be inaccessible to most people
(why?) Orsi is another extremely prolific European artist; but this
work is my favorite so far. Perhaps another classic?