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The Coral Reef Adventure [Astro Boy] (Manga)

English Title: The Coral Reef Adventure
Japanese Title: サンゴ礁の冒険
Sangosho no Boken
Original run: 1954/08
Published in: Shonen 
Type: Special

Astro Boy (1952-68), Chapter 009 ‘The Coral Reef Adventure’ (アトム大使), first appeared in the August 1954 expanded summer edition of Shonen.

What it’s about?

Professor Ochanomizu reluctantly agrees to modify Astro for a period of two days so that he can find out what it’s like to experience fear like humans do. As soon as Astro is modified a creepy looking man shows up at Astro’s house requesting his services. He is a former sea captain and his ship crossed paths with what he calls a ghost ship. The ghost ship had been near the test grounds for a hydrogen bomb and radiation killed all the crew and made all his own crew sick and disfigured his features. He asks Astro to locate and take care of the ship and its contamination. Even though Astro is nervous his dad urges him to accept the job. Astro finds the ship and deposits it on a nearby coral reef in spite of being terrified by the thought of ghosts. He thinks there actually are ghosts but they turn out to be poor animals disfigured by the hydrogen bomb’s radiation. Afterwards Astro admits to Ochanomizu that he never wants to be hindered by scared feelings ever again.