The original manga adventure of Princess Knight was serialized in Shojo Club from January 1953 to January 1956 - with a one-off Princess Knight side-story ("Tink and the Golden Egg") appearing in the Shojo Club "Summer Vacation Special Issue" in 1954. It was so successful, it spawned a sequel, known as The Twin Knights (1958-59), as well as a remake, known as Princess Knight [Nakayoshi] (1963-66).
One of Tezuka's most well-known series, Phoenix (1967-88), is a series of twelve loosely connected stories – with the first chapter, “Dawn” published in COM magazine in 1967, and the last, “Sun”, appearing in 1988 in The Wild Age.
New Treasure Island (1947) is, by and large, considered Osamu Tezuka's debut work. It was first published in January 1947, when Tezuka was still a 19 year-old medical student, and although it was preceded by the "gag manga" strip, The Diary of Ma-chan (1946), it is Tezuka's first long-form "story manga".
Futureman Kaos (1978-79), Osamu Tezuka's science-fiction tale of friendship and betrayal was originally serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine from April 1978 to January 1979.
Dr. Thrill (1959) was originally serialized in Weekly Shonen Sunday from April 5 to September 6, 1959. Originally begun as a collection of stand-alone stories, at the request of his editors, Tezuka eventually transformed the story into a long-form serial.
Osamu Tezuka's tale of an Ainu boy and his tiger, Brave Dan (1962) followed The White Pilot (1961-62) in Weekly Shonen Sunday, and was originally serialized from July to December 1962.
Arguably Tezuka's second-most well-known series, after Astro Boy (1952-68), Jungle Emperor (1950-54) was originally published as a serial in Manga Shonen between 1950–54. Also widely known as Kimba the White Lion, it is one of Tezuka's earliest serialized (as opposed to all-in-one book) adventures, and its enduring popularity has given rise to several animated television shows.
Astro Boy (1952-68), also known as "Mighty Atom", Osamu Tezuka's beloved story about the boy-robot with 100,000 horsepower and a heart of gold is, without a doubt, Tezuka's most well-known creation.
The Adventure of Rock was originally serialized in Shonen Club from July 1952 to April 1954, and is another of Tezuka's explorations of the consequences of two different sentient species meeting.
Ongoing Serial: a series of episodes, published over a span of weeks/months/years where the story plot is connected from chapter to chapter and must be read in chronological order for it to be understood properly.
Chapter Serial: a series of episodes, published over a span of weeks/months/years where the story plot is self-contained to a single chapter. There may be an overarching plot, but the stories can generally be read in any order and be understood
Book: an all-in-one self contained story published as a one-off.
Supplement: an an all-in-one self contained story published as a stand-alone supplement to a regular weekly/monthly periodical.
Short Story: an all-in-one, self contained story that was published in a regular weekly/monthly periodical
Anthology: a collection of all-in-one, self contained stories that were published in a regular weekly/monthly periodical but are generally grouped together.