Tezuka In English
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Comic Tom

Ludwig B (Manga)

Tezuka's unfinished symphony, Ludwig B (1987-89) was published in Comic Tom from June 1987 to February 1989 - ending abruptly, mid-story, with Osamu Tezuka's untimely death on February 9, 1989. A fictionalized biography, it is similar in (planned) scope to his earlier biographical manga series, Buddha (1972-83).

Buddha (Manga)

Considered one of Tezuka's last major works, Buddha was originally serialized from September 1972 to December 1983. Published by Ushio Shuppan Co., in a publication that began as Friends of Hope, and which was subsequently changed to Shonen World and then, ultimately, to Comic Tom over the course of Buddha's 1972 to 1983 run, in an attempt to update the overall image of the magazine.