Tezuka In English
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Mid-Career Works

Phoenix (Manga)

One of Tezuka's most well-known series, Phoenix (1967-88), is a series of twelve loosely connected stories – with the first chapter, “Dawn” published in COM magazine in 1967, and the last, “Sun”, appearing in 1988 in The Wild Age.

Dr. Thrill (Manga)

Dr. Thrill (1959) was originally serialized in Weekly Shonen Sunday from April 5 to September 6, 1959. Originally begun as a collection of stand-alone stories, at the request of his editors, Tezuka eventually transformed the story into a long-form serial.

Jungle Emperor [aka Kimba] (Manga)

Arguably Tezuka's second-most well-known series, after Astro Boy (1952-68), Jungle Emperor (1950-54) was originally published as a serial in Manga Shonen between 1950–54. Also widely known as Kimba the White Lion, it is one of Tezuka's earliest serialized (as opposed to all-in-one book) adventures, and its enduring popularity has given rise to several animated television shows.