Tezuka In English
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Sankei Newspaper

Astro Boy (Sankei Newspaper)

After Mushi Productions' monthly Mighty Atom Club ceased publication altogether in 1966 and the primary serialization in Shonen [少年] finally concluded in 1968, The Astro Boy Chronicles (1967-69), being published in the Sankei Newspaper were the sole source for the regularly serialized adventures of the boy robot.

Triton of the Sea (Manga)

Triton of the Sea (1969-71) is Osamu Tezuka's take on the legend of Atlantis and was published from September 1, 1969 to December 31, 1971, in the daily Sankei Newspaper. Originally serialized under the title Blue Triton, the title was later changed to Triton of the Sea to coincide with the 1972 full-colour animated television show.