Ambassador Magma (Shonen Illustrated)
Shonen Illustrated (少年画報), published by Shonen Gahosha, was home to several of Osamu Teukza’s serialized works. Although relatively popular in the 1950s – featuring such works as The Cactus Kid (1951-54), Cyrano the Hero (1953), and Super Taiheiki (1958-59) – by the early 1960s circulation had become a bit sluggish due to competition from other adventure manga magazines aimed at young boys. However, with the publication of Ambassador Magma (1965-67) circulation began to pick up.
Ambassador Magma (1965-67) began its run in the May 1965 issue and concluded in the August 1967. However, because Osamu Tezuka had spread himself so thin – working on other series including Wonder 3 (1965-66), Big X (1963-66), and Princess Knight [Nakayoshi] (1963-64) – the second half of the “Cyclops Arc” was drawn by two other manga artists, Satoshi Inoue and Kazuyoshi Fukumoto.… Read the rest