Since you get upset every time I make a long post, this post is a summary of what I posted above:
* What you keep referencing as Marxist ideals, are actually ideals enacted during the AMERICAN tax amendment of 1789
* Marx's ideal of providing for the working class, is a misnomer, as it's really taking from the Totalitarian classes that do not participate in capitalist revenue, and forcing Totalitarian classes to participate in the revenue process by abolishing the "We're noblemen so we're protected from taxation" idea.
* The idea of the people's government was stolen from America by Marx in 1848.
* Marx goes to the extreme in his tax code by saying rich shouldn't own anything.
* The American ideal is the general welfare of the populace needs to be supported, by adding a little extra weight on those who don't support the welfare of their neighbor. However, taxation is to be balanced without violating unlawful seizure clauses in the constitution - by distributing the minimal weight of the federal requirements over those who can support it.
i.e. if you're rich you gotta pay a little more, if the people around you are too poor to blow their own nose.
This is all part of the 1789 tax code - nearly a full 220 years ago.
This is not a marxist tax ideal, because it was around 60 years before Marx published his first manifesto.
* What is communist is the Eminent Domain law proposed and passed by every single filthy republican in Bush's little tri-fecta. This ideal was NEVER allowed by the constitution, and was instead a direct creation BY Karl Marx to support the concept of STATE sponsored Devlopers over the rights of the people. THIS is where you get communist socialism. It was then taken by the Republicans to support RICH CORPORATE DEVELOPERS over the rights of the people, specifically those who wouldn't sell out their homes to watch their neighborhood demolished for strip malls.
Don't bring up that stupid Ann Coulter argument like that with me again, Jeffbert. That super long post (2-3 written pages) above this post is just the tip of the iceberg of arguments used against that dumb witch Ann Coulter when she tried to compare federalist taxation with Karl Marx.