Although she is physically a human girl, due to Tink's interference when Sapphire was still an unborn spirit in heaven, she is mistakenly given both a male and female heart. However this dual-nature serves her well as she is both a chivalrous knight, ready to leap into action at a moment's notice, as well as a beautiful and demure princess.
Modelled after L'il Abner, with his goofy swagger and clean-cut good looks, "Cactus" Sam claims the middle ground Tezuka's "boy hero" protagonist roles.
Rommel is one of the most imposing supporting actors in Osamu Tezuka's Star System. That should come as no surprise since the blood of Marshall Erwin Rommel - the Desert Fox himself, one of the most renowned tacticians of World War II - courses through his veins.
Rock Holmes is the bad boy we all love. One of Tezuka's most popular and versatile Stars,hehas an arc like no other - spanning the entire gambit from ardent boy hero, to the truly pshchopathic villain, Rock has done it all... and then some.
Riiko is Osamu Tezuka's go-to for the "cute girl" roles. Although Mitchy originally started out being cast in the "young girl" roles, her skill and character meant she soon found herself taking on more dramatic and mature roles.
Another of Tezuka's plucky boy heroes, Ricky is a member of the race of Zero Men, who are humanoids with squirrel-like tails and noses, who live secretly underground in the Himalayas.
Named after a popular soft-drink in Japan, Ramune is one half of the comedic duo Ramune & Calpis (also commonly known as Tick & Tuck) modeled after classic American comedians Abbott & Costello. Usually depicted as happy-go-lucky, but bumbling, henchmen or assistants.
The epitome of the dashing, "gentleman thief" archetype, the Rainbow Parakeet is a genius-level actor who specializes in mimicry and disguise. Wether it be on-stage, filling in at the last minute as a substitute actor or as a duplicitous temporary stand-in for someone famous off-stage, the Parakeet is able fulfill your needs and solve your problems. However, his services come at a price - usually requiring you to look the other way as he robs someone blind.
Originally a human boy, Pippy's father - driven by a prophetic vision that mankind would one day return to the oceans, experimented on his son and turned him into a merman. Raised in the sea by a loving sea turtle, Pippy is one of Tezuka's go-to Stars for any underwater action.
Ongoing Serial: a series of episodes, published over a span of weeks/months/years where the story plot is connected from chapter to chapter and must be read in chronological order for it to be understood properly.
Chapter Serial: a series of episodes, published over a span of weeks/months/years where the story plot is self-contained to a single chapter. There may be an overarching plot, but the stories can generally be read in any order and be understood
Book: an all-in-one self contained story published as a one-off.
Supplement: an an all-in-one self contained story published as a stand-alone supplement to a regular weekly/monthly periodical.
Short Story: an all-in-one, self contained story that was published in a regular weekly/monthly periodical
Anthology: a collection of all-in-one, self contained stories that were published in a regular weekly/monthly periodical but are generally grouped together.