Tezuka’s Stars (S)
Although she is physically a human girl, due to Tink's interference when Sapphire was still an unborn spirit in heaven, she is mistakenly given both a male and female heart. However this dual-nature serves her well as she is both a chivalrous knight, r...
Saruta [aka Honma, Dr.]
Saruta, like a lot of good character actors, has seen it all. No one else in Tezuka’s Star System has quite been through the wringer like Saruta. He’s a specialist at suffering. In almost every role he’s ever taken, he’s given the task of showing both th...
Sarutobi, Sasuke (★)
Coming Soon!
Sasaki, Kojiro
Kojiro Sasaki is a bundle of energy. Given his quick temper, and the skill and constancy with which he handles a (usually bamboo) sword, he’s a specialist at playing the “right-hand man” and/or “closely matched rival” sort of roles. As such, he usuall...
Amongst the pantheon of evil-doers in the Star System, Satan holds a unique position. He is the very epitome of all the personal characteristics that Osamu Tezuka himself found frightening as a child.
Seki, Gohonmatsu
As a hopeless drunk with a heart of gold, and a head of stone, Gohonmatsu is perfectly cast as the unlikeliest of heroes. His "rough around the edges" makes him an everyman archetype.
Shibugaki is your typical bully. A rich kid with parents who spoil him, he craves the attention that his classmates bestow upon his most famous classmate - Astro Boy. As with most bullies, his actions are in direct relation to his insecurities. Not truly...
Shimada, Keizo
Coming Soon!
Shunsaku Ban [aka Higeoyaji]
Shunsaku Ban is, without a doubt, one of Tezuka's most important Stars. He takes the prize in practically every category, earliest appearances, longest serving, most appearances, etc. However, despite all those appearances, he is, almost without exception,...
Skunk Kusai
Skunk Kusai is one of Tezuka's least savoury characters, and often the perfect choice to play any number of thugs, thieves, kidnappers and other criminals. While Kin Sankaku, Acetylene Lamp and Hamegg, each have a certain foolishness that makes them...
Smiley Smith (★)
Coming Soon!
Suzuki, Shinichi
Coming Soon!