Tezuka’s Anime (B)
Belladonna (Anime)
Osamu Tezuka was not directly involved in the film Belladonna, which was produced by Mushi Productions in the 1970s, but the story and animation, produced by his team at his studio, show clear influences of his style and narrative interests. For this...
Black Jack (Anime)
Also known as ブラック・ジャック (Burakku Jakku )
Tezuka's rogue doctor, Black Jack , has been featured in several animated series. From his earliest appearances in Tezuka ensemble-cast telefilms , Black Jack has also starred in a series of OAVs , a theat...
Blue Blink (Anime)
Blue Blink (1989-90) was an anime series first broadcast on NHK General TV from April 7, 1989 to March 16, 1990. Unlike most of Tezuka’s animated series, Blue Blink (1989-90) was an original story, and was not based on a corresponding manga series -...