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Captain Ken Cast


A hard working, "blue collar" family man, Dekobin's kindly grandpa-like appearance belies his hot temper - a holdover from his slightly shady youth and something that still occaisionally gets the best of him. Although he is usually cast as an innkeeper, or a saloon proprietor, his greatest strength is in roles where he is able to play the protagonist's father.


As unscrupulous as he is greedy, Deven is a true professional when it comes to played crooked politicians and corrupt captains of industry. As such, he is usually cast as the main villain in a story, often with a gang of henchmen, such as Acetylene Lamp or Hamegg, ready to do his bidding so that he doesn't need to sully his hands directly.


A kindly and gentle father-figure, Chiruchiru is slow to anger. However that doesn't mean he's a pushover. Despite his droopy, rolly-polly exterior, he has the stalwart heart of a lion - especially when he's protecting his cubs. He approaches his tasks with a solid determination to get the job done, and as such he is usually cast in roles of quiet authority.


Although - given his appearance - he seems at first sight to be a slightly old-fashioned, man of action and high adventure, his rough exterior hides a impressive dramatic range. Readers have been impressed by his ability to play both roles of extroverted bluster, as well as his ability to take on roles that call for a delicate and quiet exploration of sorrow.