Tezuka In English
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Also known as チルチル (Chiruchiru)

Hello, My Name (in English) is…

No special meaning is known.

Distinguishing Features

Recognizable by his squat frame, plump face, large round spectacles and droopy jowels, Chiruchiru’s comedic appearance hides his inner qualities.

Status: Minor Star (★)

A kindly and gentle father-figure, Chiruchiru is slow to anger.  However that doesn’t mean he’s a pushover.  Despite his droopy, rolly-polly exterior, he has the stalwart heart of a lion – especially when he’s protecting his cubs.  He approaches his tasks with a solid determination to get the job done, and as such he is usually cast in roles of quiet authority.

Notable Roles

Although he is most associated with his namesake role in The Wonderful Journey (1950), he actually first appeared in the early version of The Moony Men [Fuji Shobo] (1948) as “Dr. Mangetsu” – a wholly appropriate casting considering the name means “Dr. Fullmoon” in English.  However, when Tezuka rewrote the story as The Mooney Men [Manga Shonen] (1951), he lost the role to his round-faced rival  Mokusan. However, it was his role in The Wonderful Journey as “Chiruchiru” that his stage name is derived. He has also had a memorable “good guy” role as the Martian homesteader, Mr. Hoshino in Captain Ken (1960-61), among many others.

One thing to note for English readers who are familiar with the Dark Horses edition of Astro Boy (1952-68) – you won’t spot Chiruchiru in his role as “Dr. Ochanomizu‘s lab assistant” in “Ambassador Atom” as it was left on the cutting room floor when Tezuka redrew the intro to the story for the Akita Shoten collection upon which it’s based.

Manga Appearances

If you spot an appearance not already listed, please let us know in the comments section below!


The Moony Men [Fuji Shobo] as “Dr. Mangetsu”


The Wonderful Journey as “Chiruchiru”
Ashiato Hot Spring as “Kuroda, a businessman”


Next World as “a member of the Atomic Energy Commission”
Ambassador Atom as “Dr. Ochanomizu‘s lab assistant”
The Cactus Kid as “the elementary school principal”


Astro Boy (“Fuhrer ZZZ”) as “Prime Minister Hakone”
White Rose Railway


The Story of Tonkara Valley as “Sanae’s father”


Chief Detective Kenichi


Captain Ken as “Mr. Hoshino”
Angel’s Hill as “Akemi’s neighbour”


The Shinsen-gumi as “Shohei Yamatoya”


Black Jack (“Vibration”) as “a man on the train”


Black Jack (“The Sinking Woman”) as “the hospital director”


Black Jack (“Timid Cyrano”) as “a doctor”


Black Jack (“The Boy in the Sealed Room”) as “the man who suffers a heart attack”

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