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A tyrant who rules the undersea world with an iron fist, and leader of the Poseidon family. He fears the survival of the Tritons, so he intends to exterminate Triton and end his family line forever. To that end, he sends his 33 children - each more hideous than the last - to hunt them down.


As a dog, trained by his former owner, Professor "Y", in the art of the theatre, and a master of pantomime, he is the perfect companion and accomplice for the Rainbow Parakeet. He's not above nicking a few valuables here and there, and will use his skills in disguise to accomplish whatever heist he's a part of.


Chocola is mostly a normal, everyday bright young middle-school student who just wants to fit in.  Unfortunately as a vampire and the daughter of the famous vampire in history, Count Dracula, that's a lot easier said than done.