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Don is an Anubis Hound from Egypt - a breed of dog related to the Pharaoh Hound and possibly to the Doberman Pinscher. He's fiercely loyal, strong, and trust-worthy - the perfect brave canine companion for his master, a young boy named Tadasu Nagano. In short, he's a good boy.


His uniquely dull character makes him perfect for middle-of-the-road roles. When he's a good guy, you don't care too much, and when he's a bad guy, you don't hate him too much. This usually means he's relegated to bit parts as servants, police officers, reporters or simply just men in the crowd.


Nakamura's calming influence usually works in counter-point to his much more hot-headed usual partner, Tawashi. However, despite being generally warm-hearted, and slow to anger, Nakamura will stand on his principles when pressed by the situation. As such, he is nearly universally cast in the role of a police officer.

Ol’ Man Tetsuno

Ol' Man Tetsuno may be a minor star, but he is a specialist in anonymous comic relief roles. He is almost universally cast as a henchman, assistant, or just some guy standing (and smoking) in the background.

Eiichi, Fukui

Born on March 3, 1921 was the real-life manga artist of a popular judo-themed manga. Despite an occaisonally heated rivalry, he was a friend of Tezuka's who, somewhat infamously, died of karoshi ('overwork") on June 26, 1954 while putting the finishing touches on a manga supplement with a tight deadline.


Despite thinking very highly of himself, Duralumin's blustering exterior hides the heart of a coward. An aristocratic schemer who prefers to let his henchmen, usually Nylon, to do his dirty work, he is often cast as a villain who is primarily concerned with his own desires for power and wealth, rather than one who is truly evil.

Hell, Madame

Beautiful but corrupt, Madame Hell uses her charms for evil rather than good. As a classic femme fatale, she is perfectly at home in roles that call on her to use her evil charm, such as spy, witch, or some other type of criminal. She also displays a strong maternal instinct - albeit a corrupt