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Star System


With a family resemblance to Dracula, Noracula is the poster child for the kind of vulgar, "survival of the fittest" teacher who preys on the weaker students in his class.


As a dog, trained by his former owner, Professor "Y", in the art of the theatre, and a master of pantomime, he is the perfect companion and accomplice for the Rainbow Parakeet. He's not above nicking a few valuables here and there, and will use his skills in disguise to accomplish whatever heist he's a part of.


Despite being a robot, Olga has a strong sense of loyalty and duty, which gives her a nurturing, almost mother-like quality. As such, she's perfectly cast as a robot caretaker and/or assistant that displays an undying loyalty to her charge.


Chocola is mostly a normal, everyday bright young middle-school student who just wants to fit in.  Unfortunately as a vampire and the daughter of the famous vampire in history, Count Dracula, that's a lot easier said than done.