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Astro Boy Cast

Tamao, Ome
Tamao is a very typical boy. Given his appearance and large glasses, he's often the target for a bit of bullying - usually at the hands of Shibugaki - however, despite that he still has a certain self-confidence. Not nearly as adroit as his good pal, Kenichi, can fall victim to his own desires and sometimes overestimates his abilities and bravery.

Shibugaki is your typical bully. A rich kid with parents who spoil him, he craves the attention that his classmates bestow upon his most famous classmate - Astro Boy. As with most bullies, his actions are in direct relation to his insecurities. Not truly evil, his false bravado will often cause him to make poor decisions and lead himself and others into danger.

An inferior copy, created by Dr. Ochanomizu as a temporary replacement for Astro Boy, Cobalt has abilities comparable to those of his brother. However he lacks Astro's intelligence and common sense and is often clumsy, gullible, and accident-prone as a result. Although he often causes problems for the entire family, he remains extremely kind-hearted and loyal - characteristics which help Astro out of trouble from time to time.

Astro’s Father
Astro's Father was created, along with his much more famous wife, Mitchy, by Dr. Ochanomizu to act as Astro Boy's robot family. Although he is a father figure, as a robot he is actually younger than Astro, and thus attends the same school in a lower grade - something which often leads to some comedic results.

Nonki Megane
Nonki Megane is a career minor role player, usually cast as "one of the sailors/soldiers/staff members" or someone else's assistant. Assumed to be based on Yutaka Aso, one of manga's pioneers and creator of a popular strip known as Nonki na Tousan (1923) ['Easygoing Daddy'], his own easy-going demeanour as a well-intentioned bumbler seem a good match.

Nakamura's calming influence usually works in counter-point to his much more hot-headed usual partner, Tawashi. However, despite being generally warm-hearted, and slow to anger, Nakamura will stand on his principles when pressed by the situation. As such, he is nearly universally cast in the role of a police officer.

Tenma, Dr.
Dr. Tenma is clearly one of Osamu Tezuka's most brilliant scientists, however, unlike his peer-group members, such as Dr. Ochanomizu and Dr. Hanamaru, he fits the term "mad scientist" to a tee. It's understandable, given that his only son, Tobio, was killed in an accident that is arguably a result of his neglect and indifference.

Tawashi, Inspector
Another of Tezuka's "long arm of the law" Stars, he is similar to Inspector Geta in that both almost always appear as police investigators, and both are known for their dedication to their job. However, while Geta is known for his honesty and uprightness, Tawashi is mostly known for his suspicion of people.