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The Scientists

Professor “Y”

Professor "Y" is the original environmentalist. A firm believer in the natural world, he sees the beauty in nature and animals, and he's not above a little criminal activity to see them preserved.

Dekon, Dr.

Another of Tezuka's scientists - in many ways similar to Dr. Hanamaru. Dr. Dekon's kindly appearance belies his sharp intellect and iron will. Usually cast as a scientist or doctor, on occaision he has taken on other authority figure roles, such as a chief administrator, a teacher or someone's father.


Another of Tezuka's academics/scientists, Whisky often takes on the role of the antagonist in Tezuka's stories. Rather than being truly evil, Whisky is simply overly proud, often self-serving, and generally unwilling to heed advice or warnings. While he does on occasion aid others, it usually comes at a price.

Mikazuki, Dr.

One of Tezuka's earliest scientists, he was originally one half of a slightly comedic duo with his partner, Dr. Mangetsu - first played by Chiruchiru and then, later by Mokusan.

Tenma, Dr.

Dr. Tenma is clearly one of Osamu Tezuka's most brilliant scientists, however, unlike his peer-group members, such as Dr. Ochanomizu and Dr. Hanamaru, he fits the term "mad scientist" to a tee. It's understandable, given that his only son, Tobio, was killed in an accident that is arguably a result of his neglect and indifference.

Ochanomizu, Dr.

Dr. Ochanomizu is the most beloved of Tezuka’s many mad scientist/doctor characters. While he dabbles with powers beyond his control as much as the next mad scientist, Dr. Ochanomizu is almost unfailingly an ally of mankind and of universal peace and friendship. Sometimes he may be a robotocist, sometimes a medical doctor, sometimes as a simple face in a crowd of scientists, but when he does appear, he is almost always a trusted father figure with the best interests of the world at heart.


Notaarin is one of Tezuka's oldest and most prolific Stars. Unlike some of the other scientists, like Dr. Ochanomizu and Dr. Hanamaru, who are concerned with the betterment of mankind, or Dr. Tenma and Dr. Fooler, who are concerned with the betterment of their own lot in life, Notaarin is mainly interested in hearing the sound of his own voice.

Hanamaru, Dr.

Probably Osamu Tezuka's most reliable "go-to" Star to play a scientist of a doctor. He is generally a friendly and competent researcher concerned with the welfare of mankind. He will often be the one to make a great discovery pertinent to a crisis, even to the salvation of mankind, and yet be disregarded as a crackpot by the rest of the scientific community. However, at other times he serves as a voice of sage wisdom - including somewhat famously lecturing Black Jack on the significance of not underestimating the human body and the miracles of nature.