A bewitching and enchanting woman, Barbara is, at the same time, both an artist's muse and a slutty alcoholic. She can inspire men to greatness while driving them to madness, and ultimately leave them begging for to return - something that her co-star Yosuke Mikura learns all too well.
Self-absorbed and cocky, Bandaka is primarily a highly skilled bandit archer. An early rival of Siddhartha's, vying for the lovely Princess Yashodara, he eventually connives and bullies his way to having himself named the heir to the Shakyan kingdom.
Impulsive and brash yet loyal to a fault, Oba is a specialist in small supporting roles that pack a punch. As such, he usually finds himself cast as an assistant, where his good-intentioned but head-first charge into action can sometimes have unintended conseequences for his companions.
Born in Aomori Prefecture in October 1927, Noboru Baba moved to Tokyo in 1949 to begin a career as a manga artist, soon making a name for himself drawing manga for young boys. However, in Tezuka's manga he seems to have fallen on hard times, and is most often cast in the role of a beggar or vagrant. Although he usually finds himself relegated to small, background roles, he is a specialist in dolling out bits of sage advice.
Ongoing Serial: a series of episodes, published over a span of weeks/months/years where the story plot is connected from chapter to chapter and must be read in chronological order for it to be understood properly.
Chapter Serial: a series of episodes, published over a span of weeks/months/years where the story plot is self-contained to a single chapter. There may be an overarching plot, but the stories can generally be read in any order and be understood
Book: an all-in-one self contained story published as a one-off.
Supplement: an an all-in-one self contained story published as a stand-alone supplement to a regular weekly/monthly periodical.
Short Story: an all-in-one, self contained story that was published in a regular weekly/monthly periodical
Anthology: a collection of all-in-one, self contained stories that were published in a regular weekly/monthly periodical but are generally grouped together.