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Princess Knight Cast


Doctor is a man who has really let his career determine his identity. Little is known about this life outside his profession. However, he does seem to have a quite an anxious and frantic and personality - often making a mountain out of a mole-hill.

Brad [aka Captain Blood]

Born into the nobility, but raised by pirates, Brad is strong, noble and brave, but with a mischievously dashing wild streak. He and Sapphire feel a strong attraction for each other - much to the chagrin of Franz who is, unknowingly, Brad's younger brother.


With his boyish good looks, he is the spitting image of every girl's ideal "Prince Charming". A skilled athlete, good-looking, and the Prince of Silverland, Franz has it all.


Despite thinking very highly of himself, Duralumin's blustering exterior hides the heart of a coward. An aristocratic schemer who prefers to let his henchmen, usually Nylon, to do his dirty work, he is often cast as a villain who is primarily concerned with his own desires for power and wealth, rather than one who is truly evil.

Hell, Madame

Beautiful but corrupt, Madame Hell uses her charms for evil rather than good. As a classic femme fatale, she is perfectly at home in roles that call on her to use her evil charm, such as spy, witch, or some other type of criminal. She also displays a strong maternal instinct - albeit a corrupt


Despite being a secondary star held to supporting roles, Nylon is a performer with great range. if you look closely at his performances, you'll see that much like his namesake, he's a flexibly - some might say pliable - performer, who can play both a villain and a hero. Not one for half measures, when given the opportunity, he will really throw himself into the role and give it his all.


A mischievous young angel, while God is handing out the hearts that determine gender, he gives Sapphire a male heart in addition to the female heart she properly receives - and is thus responsible for her gender-bending nature.  


Amongst the pantheon of evil-doers in the Star System, Satan holds a unique position. He is the very epitome of all the personal characteristics that Osamu Tezuka himself found frightening as a child.


Although she is physically a human girl, due to Tink's interference when Sapphire was still an unborn spirit in heaven, she is mistakenly given both a male and female heart.  However this dual-nature serves her well as she is both a chivalrous knight, ready to leap into action at a moment's notice, as well as a beautiful and demure princess.


Hecate is a wild, playful, and tomboyish girl. Although both her parents (Mephisto and Madam Hell) are desperate for her to become ladylike and marry Prince Franz -  to the point of trying to steal Sapphire's female heart and implant it in her - Hecate has no interest in giving up her wild days of adventuring and turning into a cat just for kicks.