Also known as 少年クラブ (Shonen Kurabu) and 少女クラブ (Shojo Kurabu), these two publications are home series such as Adventure of Rock (1952-54), the original version of Princess Knight, as well as an early version of Phoenix.
Also known as なかよし (Nakayoshi), it was been home to most of Tezuka's important shōjo manga series, such as The Twin Knights, Angel's Hill, and the remake version of Princess Knight.
Also known as プレイコミック (Purei Komikku), it is the original home to many of Tezuka's experimental short stories and only one of Tezuka's serials, Book of Human Insects.
Also known as 週刊少年チャンピオン (Shuukan Shonen Champion) it has been home to many of Tezuka's important adventure series, notably Black Jack and Rainbow Parakeet, but also some of his darker series, such as Alabaster.
Also known as ビッグコミック (Biggu Komikku) it is the original home to some of Tezuka's darkest, most biting social commentaries, such as Swallowing the Earth, Ayako, and Barbara.
Also known as 週刊少年サンデー (Shukan Shonen Sande), over the years it has been home to many of Tezuka's important adventure series, such as Dr. Thrill, Wonder 3, Vampires, and Dororo.
Although Osamu Tezuka got his beginnings as a manga artist, in some ways it can be seen as a means to an end - and that being animation. In fact, Tezuka himself has been famously quoted as saying that while manga was his "wife", animation was his "mistress", and one that he simply could not stop himself from returning to.
Although Tezuka spent the last decade of his life primarily focused on his award-winning work in experimental animation, there are still several important manga series of note.
Ongoing Serial: a series of episodes, published over a span of weeks/months/years where the story plot is connected from chapter to chapter and must be read in chronological order for it to be understood properly.
Chapter Serial: a series of episodes, published over a span of weeks/months/years where the story plot is self-contained to a single chapter. There may be an overarching plot, but the stories can generally be read in any order and be understood
Book: an all-in-one self contained story published as a one-off.
Supplement: an an all-in-one self contained story published as a stand-alone supplement to a regular weekly/monthly periodical.
Short Story: an all-in-one, self contained story that was published in a regular weekly/monthly periodical
Anthology: a collection of all-in-one, self contained stories that were published in a regular weekly/monthly periodical but are generally grouped together.