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Good Friend (aka Nakayoshi)

Also known as なかよし (Nakayoshi)

Good Friend (September 1956)

Good Friend
September 1956

Good Friend is a monthly shojo manga published by Kodansha in Japan, with a target demographic of young girls aged 9 – 15.

It was first launched in December 1954 – albeit with the January 1955 issue – and the inaugural edition featured Tezuka’s serial The Story of Tonkara Valley (1955-56).

For a period of over ten years, from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s, Good Friend readers enjoyed an almost uninterrupted run of Tezuka’s work.  Aside from one short-story, The Song of the White Peacock (1959) it has primarily featured long-form serial adventures geared towards an audience of elementary and junior high school-aged girls.

As such, it was been home to most of Tezuka’s important shojo manga series, including The Twin Knights (1958-59)Angel’s Hill (1960-61) and the remake version of Princess Knight [Nakayoshi] (1963-66).

Good Friend

Series Japanese Title Begin End Type
The Story of Tonkara Valley とんから谷物語 1955/01 1956/03 Ongoing Serial
The Rainbow Fortress 虹のとりで 1956/05 1957/03 Ongoing Serial
The Kokeshi Detective Bureau こけし探偵局 1957/04 1957/12 Ongoing Serial
The Twin Knights 双子の騎士 1958/01 1959/06 Ongoing Serial
The Song of the White Peacock 白くじゃくの歌 1959/09/15  — Short Story [Summer Vacation Special]
Angel’s Hill エンゼルの丘 1960/01 1961/12 Ongoing Serial
Here Comes Yokko! ヨッコちゃんがきたよ! 1962/01 1962/04 Ongoing Serial
The Spirit of the Wild Rose 野ばらの精 1962/05 1962/12 Ongoing Serial
Princess Knight リボンの騎士 1963/01 1966/10 Ongoing Serial